Clermont Auvergne INP
Lifelong learning

Lifelong learning

Contact :

Loïc YON - Responsable Formation continue

04 73 40 50 42  -

Lifelong learning

The objectives of lifelong learning at ISIMA are:

  • to increase the qualification level of employees for companies
  • to evolve within their company for the staff
  • to update or acquire knowledge as part of a Training Plan,

ISIMA offers its capabilities for qualified services in various areas of expertise, in the form of collective (intra or inter-company) or individualized, qualifying or degree-granting actions.

Continuing Education at ISIMA consists of:

  • either an offer from the school to last-year students in the form of a professionalization contract
  • or a specific request from our industrial partners (see for example here or here)

Clermont Auvergne INP is Qualiopi certified for training actions and actions allowing the validation of acquired experience (VAE).

Download the Qualiopi certificate

VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience)

ISIMA Engineering Degree

Anyone performing the functions of a Computer Engineer without having the degree can request to obtain an ISIMA degree through the VAE procedure.

This procedure is managed by Clermont INP. After assembling a file, a jury is convened to decide if the candidate meets the conditions to receive the ISIMA degree.

This validation can be total or partial: it is then necessary to complete the training according to the requested themes.


VAE is accessible to technicians with a diploma (Bac +2 level degree such as DUT, BTS, or equivalent), able to justify at least 1 year of experience in the targeted specialty. For this, refer to the RNCP 37665 sheet.


  • Modalities

– Justify 1 year of activity as an employee, self-employed, or volunteer, continuous or discontinuous, related to the content of the envisioned certification,
– Prove a B2 level of English.
Candidates can only submit one application per calendar year for a given degree and in only one institution, and three applications at most in the context of different degrees.

  • Registration

After identifying the degree in line with your experience, complete the welcome file available upon request.
See detailed VAE procedure in the documents to download.

Cost of Training

Eligibility (administrative study and pedagogical expertise) 300 €
VAE Support (optional service) 1,200 €
Jury (expenses related to the preparation and implementation of the jury) 1,200 €
TOTAL (with support) 2,700 €
TOTAL (without support) 1,500 €

Public institution not subject to VAT in application of article 261-4-4°a of the General Tax Code.

Before the jury session, the candidate must proceed with their administrative registration at Clermont Auvergne INP and pay the registration fees set for the current year. For information, for the 2023-2024 academic year, these registration fees amount to 601€.
As VAE is part of Book IV-6th Part of the Labor Code, it is considered a continuing education action. As such, it can be covered by the various actors who participate in the expenses of continuing professional training.

For any request, contact Elodie FAYE

Validation of Higher Education (VES)

The VES, or Validation of Higher Education, is a right enshrined in the labor and education codes. It allows for obtaining all or part of a higher education degree, through recognition of studies pursued in France or abroad.
The procedure is available here.

Cost of Training

Eligibility (administrative study and pedagogical expertise) 300 €
Jury (expenses related to the preparation and implementation of the jury) 900 €
TOTAL 1,200 €
Before the jury session, the candidate must proceed with their administrative registration at Clermont Auvergne INP and pay the registration fees set for the current year. For information, for the 2023-2024 academic year, these registration fees amount to 601€.
For any request, contact Elodie FAYE
Campus universitaire des Cézeaux
1 Rue de la Chebarde
TSA 60026
63178 Aubière CEDEX

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