Work-study training using a professional training contract

Work-study training using a professional training contract

The professionalization contract is an alternating work contract lasting 12 months, signed between the company and the engineering student. This program is reserved for third-year computer engineering students and alternates between periods in the company and periods at ISIMA.

The student under a professionalization contract alternates between working in the company, where they must carry out a supervised project, and attending classes at ISIMA alongside regular student status. They will ultimately obtain the same engineering degree as their peers. The project undertaken by the student-engineer throughout this year-long contract must meet both the specific needs of the company and the level of excellence required by the engineering program.

The RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications) file 37665 is available on the France Compétences website (updated 6/23).

Clermont Auvergne INP is Qualiopi certified for training actions, including professionalization contracts.

Benefits for the engineering student:

  • Acquisition of professional experience through alternating work and study
  • Status as an employee with a salary during the contract period
  • Guidance by a tutor
  • No registration fees or CVEC to pay
  • Salary

Benefits for the company:

  • An employee trained to meet the specific needs of the company
  • Real-life testing of an employee’s capabilities
  • Possibility of financial and tax incentives
  • Financing of the employee’s training and tutor activity by their OPCO
  • The student-employee is not counted in the company’s workforce


The program includes a common generalist core with tertiary and technical courses. Depending on the choice made at the end of the first year of the engineering program, students receive specialization in a specific computer field under 5 tracks:

  • F1: Interactive Systems for Embedded, Robotics, and Virtual Environments
  • F2: Software Engineering and Computer Systems
  • F3: Information Systems and Decision Support
  • F4: Mathematical Modeling and Data Science
  • F5: Networks and Computer Security

The missions of the professionalization contract replace the mandatory end-of-program internship. The work carried out in the company results in a report and a defense, following the same procedures as in the regular program.

Two academic exam sessions are organized:

  • The first session is split into two parts: late March and late June.
  • The second session takes place in September.

In addition to these exams, there are continuous assessments by teachers.

The student must validate all competencies to obtain the diploma.


The Professionalization Contract program lasts for 1 year and follows the academic year (school year).

It includes 400 hours of teaching at a cost of €6,600.

It is offered in two formats:

  • 3 days at school / 2 days in the company primarily
  • 6 months / 6 months (reserved for companies located away from the Clermont area)

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the program runs from September 16, 2024, to September 12, 2025. A detailed schedule is available upon request.

The calendars for the academic year 2024-2025: please contact Madame FAYE by email at



The careers and positions related to the targeted diploma are those accessible with an engineering qualification (management, leadership, etc.) covering various computer-related professions (not limited to modeling and application development). Here are some examples:

  • Network and IP Telephony Architect
  • Information Systems Architect
  • Consultant, Auditor, Expert in IT Solutions
  • IT Project Manager
  • Research and Development Engineer
  • Systems and Security Engineer
  • Network Engineer
  • IT Support Engineer
  • Developer
  • IT Director
  • Business Owner
  • Ph.D. Candidate and Researcher or Teaching Researcher


Double supervision:

  • Academic tutor: pedagogical support and evaluation
  • Company tutor: facilitates integration within the company, ensures practical application of acquired skills within assigned tasks


The company is invoiced for the training hours provided by ISIMA and attended by the student-engineer.
The company can seek reimbursement of all or part of the cost from its OPCO (operator of skills development) after the professionalization contract is validated.


  • Must have completed the 2nd year at ISIMA
  • Must obtain a favorable opinion from the director of studies
  • The company and the engineering student must complete and sign the CERFA contract no. 12434 02
  • The continuing education department sends the training agreement, syllabus, and training schedule to the company.
  • The company then submits all the documents to its OPCO for cost coverage.


Any employer established or domiciled in France can sign a professionalization contract, except for the State, local authorities, and their administrative public institutions.

Fields of activity: IT service companies, software publishers, computer manufacturers, consulting/security, telecommunications, banking, aerospace, public administration, research, audiovisual, healthcare, industry, and more.


The evolution of the number of professionalization contracts at ISIMA since 2011 is shown below:

Submit your job offer.


Key numbers 2023-2024 :

  • Number of contracts: 46
  • Success rate: 98%
  • Overall satisfaction rate: 86%
  • Satisfaction rate relating to continuity: 62%
  • Integration rate (employment + continued studies): 67%


General sales conditions: CGV-INP