Students with Disabilities

Students with Disabilities


University Disability Service

University Health Service
25 rue Étienne Dolet, 63000 Clermont Fd

Are you a student with a disability? The university health service is here to support you in your studies.

The University Disability Service (SUH) and the University Health Service (SSU) together form the Student Disability Health Center (PSHE). The goal is to provide students with disabilities with comprehensive support, both in terms of academic accommodations and health and social aspects.

The PSHE offers, through the SUH team and 4 accredited SSU doctors, a social worker and a neuropsychologist:

  • Study and exam accommodations
  • Access to rights (MDPH, scholarships, housing, social coverage, etc.)
  • Exceptional availability and responsiveness

The University Disability Service specifically provides:

  • A tailored and personalized service
  • Coordination of study and exam accommodations
  • Assessment of needs and information on existing programs
  • The visual impairment unit that offers free adaptation/transcription of educational materials and exams (digital, braille, large print, etc.)

How does it work?

  • Appointments and consultations take place at the SUH or SSU facilities, depending on the organization and availability of the premises.
  • It is essential to contact the SUH or SSU as soon as possible to make yourself known, even if you already have study/exam accommodations before coming to the University. Please note that these accommodations are not automatically transferred to UCA.
  • Even if you have already been evaluated by a doctor, the SSU and SUH conduct a systematic reevaluation of all files.

Available assistance for students regarding their health insurance:

Outside of the campus, you can continue to receive the best possible healthcare coverage with good health insurance. The best health insurance is one that covers all the healthcare you genuinely need, including hospitalization, paramedical fees, specialist doctors (dentists, optometrists), and more. Even if you don’t have the resources for an expensive insurance plan, you can consider the Complémentaire Santé Solidaire. Depending on your income, it can be free and offers coverage for expenses with your doctor, dentist, physiotherapist, and more.

To contact us:
University Disability Service: / / Facebook / Twitter University Health Service: 25 rue Étienne Dolet, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand

To make an appointment and visit SSU:

ISIMA facilities are accessible with sliding doors, and an elevator provides access to different floors.

AGEFIPH’s mission is to promote the employment and retention of people with disabilities in private companies and regular work environments.