Certificates Delivery for the University of Performance

On Wednesday, July 9th, after the first two training sessions organized by ISIMA for Michelin on the theme of application performance, participants and trainers gathered at the school’s premises for a certificate presentation ceremony in the presence of Christian Fourot, Business Solution Services Manager for the Michelin Group and the patron of the program.

attestation upa

Jean-Noël Simonnet, Head of Architecture and IT Projects WW, presented the origins of this collaboration, and then the patron of the program awarded the participation certificates for this training, along with a gift from the Michelin company.

This performance training program has completed its first year with very positive results and will be continued in the coming years, initially with Michelin and later with other major corporations.

You can find Jean-Noël Simonnet’s speech here.

You can also watch the presentation of the University of Performance in the following video, which was part of the R@W European project.