
ISIMA opens its doors to high school seniors wishing to become computer engineers, offering 26 places in a two-year post-baccalaureate preparatory program called “Prép’ISIMA,” affiliated with the University Clermont Auvergne.

Selected candidates will follow the first two years of the Computer Science Bachelor’s degree (L1 and L2) from the University Clermont Auvergne with specific Prep’ISIMA modules that replace some of the Bachelor’s modules. In the first year, Prep’ISIMA students will attend L1 courses as part of the Mathematics-Informatics program. In the second year, they will follow L2 Computer Science courses with a Minor in Mathematics before fully specializing in computer science in the middle of the second year. Here are the specific modules taught at ISIMA’s premises (subject to change):

  • Introduction to Imaging (12 hours)
  • Mathematics for Engineers (12 hours)
  • Linux Development Workshop (14 hours)
  • Careers in Computer Science: Engineers who are ISIMA alumni will present their careers (12 hours)
  • Modeling, Resolution, Programming (30 hours)
  • Virtual Reality (30 hours)
  • Project (30 hours)

Students in this program receive personalized support through the ISIMA teacher responsible for Prep ISIMA. They also have access to ISIMA’s student associations and events.


Privileged access to ISIMA: Students in this program will be automatically integrated into ISIMA (in the first year of the engineering cycle), provided they have successfully completed both years of the Bachelor’s degree and each of the specific modules within the Prep’ISIMA program in two years and in the first session.





Level of recruitment

High school diploma or equivalent

Recommended high school specialization:


Target audience:

Prep’ISIMA is designed for high school students who want to become computer engineers with a specialization in computer science from the first post-baccalaureate year, accompanied by essential mathematical foundations for future engineers.

Concerning the specialties of the new Bac 2021: To enter Prep’ISIMA 1 starting from September 2021, you must have followed the Mathematics specialty in both the first and final years of high school. The specialty “Numerical and Computer Sciences” is not currently a prerequisite but is advantageous if it has been successfully followed. It is also advisable to build a scientific profile in the choice of specialties (including Physics-Chemistry or Engineering Sciences, for example).


Application process

Admission to Prep’ISIMA 1:

For entry into the first year of Prep’ISIMA 1, applications are exclusively made through the ParcourSup platform. Selection for entry into this preparatory program is made by a specific ISIMA jury that reviews the applications (grades and details of specialties/options taken in the first and final years of high school, opinions of high school teachers, Statement of Motivation, etc.). For candidates who receive a positive response from the jury, final enrollment in this program is subject to the effective achievement of the Baccalaureate.

Potential admission to Prep’ISIMA 2:

For the past few years, we have also recruited students who have successfully completed their first year of Bachelor’s degree at the University Clermont Auvergne, in one of the two programs containing computer science (Physics/Engineering Sciences-Mathematics-Computer Science or Mathematics-Computer Science-Economics, which will be replaced by a single Mathematics-Computer Science program from September 2021), to enter directly into the second year of Prep’ISIMA. The application procedure is communicated internally to L1 students in June.


The informations below are provided for reference and may be subject to updates.

Content of the program:

Semester 1:

  • Computer Science
    • Algorithms and Programming (Python)
    • Shell TP
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Tools
  • Computer Tools: Data Representation in Binary and Boolean Logic
  • Academic Work Methods and Office Automation
  • Specific Prep’ISIMA Modules:
    • Mathematics for Engineers
    • Engineers’ Careers Presentations

Semester 2:

  • Computer Science
    • C Programming
    • Algorithmics 1
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Tools
  • Computer Tools: Databases (SQL)
  • English
  • Specific Prep’ISIMA Modules:
    • Introduction to Imaging
    • Linux Development Workshops

Semester 3:

  • Algorithmics and Programming
    • Advanced C Programming
    • Engineering Applications and Digital Programming
  • Information System and Databases
  • Discrete Methods and Logic
  • Personalized Professional Project
  • English
  • Minor in Mathematics:
    • Linear Algebra
    • Scientific Software

Semester 4:

  • Algorithmics and Programming
    • Object-Oriented Programming (Java)
    • Algorithmics 2
  • Web Technology
  • Databases
  • English
  • Specific Prep’ISIMA Modules:
    • Virtual Reality
    • Modeling, Resolution, Programming
    • Engineering Project


Exit level:

Post-baccalaureate year

Bac +2

Further studies:

Continue into the first year of the ISIMA engineering program, leading to a level of Bac +5.
Entry into the engineering program is subject to successfully completing both years of the Bachelor’s degree and each of the specific modules in Prep’ISIMA in two years and in the first session. For more information about ISIMA, a public engineering school in computer science, the organization of the engineering degree, specializations, career opportunities, study abroad or in alternance possibilities, visit the ISIMA presentation page.

Career Prospects:

Sectors of Activity:

  • Support for companies
  • Industry


Cost of the program:

Registration fees for the Bachelor’s degree + CVEC + an additional €70 for the specific Prep’ISIMA part.