

The Clermont university site includes 24 CNRS units, three INSERM units, as well as an INRAE unit. These various structures are the source of many internships and projects offered to ISIMA students each year, covering the entire range of computer science, electronics, and applied mathematics applications. Among these laboratories, some have a closer relationship with ISIMA:


This laboratory, thematically and humanly very strongly connected to ISIMA, brings together the majority of the school’s teaching researchers. It includes more than 70 teaching researchers, 3 CNRS researchers, over 70 doctoral students, and about twenty associates. A regional chair of excellence and an industrial chair are also hosted in the laboratory.

The activities of LIMOS are recognized regionally (it is attached to both universities of Clermont Ferrand as well as to IFMA), nationally (LIMOS is a mixed research unit of the CNRS), and internationally (numerous international research collaborations).

The scientific orientation of the laboratory is focused on the computer science of organizational systems.

Open to multidisciplinarity, LIMOS participates in particular in two research federations (Environment and Mobility) and two Labex (Laboratories of Excellence):

  • IMOBS3: around themes of mobility.
  • CLERVOLC: around themes centered on volcanism. In these two Labex, ISIMA participates through projects, internships, and doctorates of former students.

LIMOS is structured into three axes:

  1. Operational Research and Decision Support Axis: The main themes addressed in this axis are: Decomposition Methods and Foundations of Optimization, sizing of transport networks and telecommunications networks, pricing, Combinatorial Optimization, production scheduling, Graphs and Datamining Algorithmics, data mining, learning, imaging, modeling of ecosystems.
  2. Information and Communications Systems Axis: The main themes addressed in this axis are: Databases and Information Systems, Interoperability, web services, geographic information systems, large data masses, Mobile Local Networks, Sensors, Embedded Systems.
  3. Modeling, Organization, and Management of Production Systems Axis: The main themes addressed in this axis are: Modeling Methodologies and Environments, hospital logistics chain, flexible workshops. Design, Organization and Management, workshop scheduling, quality measurement, performance evaluation. Researchers at LIMOS participate in numerous national, international, and industrial projects.

The Pascal Institute

The creation project of the Pascal Institute materializes the collective will to create a structuring pole in the field of Engineering and Systems Sciences on the Clermont university site, readable at the national and international level. This project brings together researchers, teaching researchers, and doctoral students attached to disciplinary fields relevant to Engineering Sciences (automation, mechanics, electronics, process engineering) and Fundamental Sciences (physics, biochemistry). Four Axes are at the heart of the laboratory:

  • Mechanics, Materials, and Structures (MMS) Axis: This axis develops research in three main directions related to materials and structures, probabilistic mechanics of structures, and machines, mechanisms, and systems.
  • Image, Perception Systems, Robotics (ISPR) Axis: This axis works in the field of Artificial Perception and Vision for the Control of Robotic Systems. Its objective is therefore the development of theoretical, methodological, and architectural concepts for the perception and control of systems.
  • Process Engineering, Energetics, and Biosystems (GePEB) Axis: This axis deals with issues belonging to bioprocess engineering (fermentation engineering, environmental process engineering, food engineering) through a multi-scale approach where the “process” characteristics are addressed from a modeling perspective.
  • Photonics, Waves, Nanomaterials (PHOTON) Axis: This axis brings together theorists of semiconductor physics and electromagnetic optics, and experimenters in synthesis, structuring, and high-tech advanced analyses. It also has recognized expertise in electromagnetic compatibility.

The Mathematics Laboratory

Composed of more than 60 permanent staff, the laboratory is structured into four research teams:

  • Partial differential equations and numerical analysis
  • Geometry, algebra, operator algebras
  • Probability, analysis, and statistics
  • Number theory and analysis


The largest laboratory on campus, attached to the IN2P3-CNRS, it is a very large user of mathematical, computer, and electronic means, both because of the assembly of experiments and the management of very large volumes of data. It therefore develops an autonomous activity in the design of cards and circuits for microelectronics.


The INRAE unit installed on the Cézeaux campus focuses its work around the following themes:

  • Applied Robotics
  • Forecasting
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Multi-agent systems

On all these themes, INRAE proves to be a great provider of internships and projects for ISIMA.